The Awaited View

The Awaited View


I belong to a small village behind the mountains. The people who mostly depended on farming, animal husbandry and small businesses happily lived together in peace.
But every six months on the full moon the guards of the witch queen came to the village to take away one unmarried girl to sacrifice her to the evil god who protects her beauty and Kingdom. If the villagers do not give into her demand, the guards start killing their animals and destroying their farms, children and lastly the men.
This time it was my turn but on the way to the witch's castle, the horse carriage broke in which they had captivated me and the horse ran off. They couldn't reach the place of sacrifice in time and the sacrifice was aborted for that full moon. The witch in her anger killed all the guards who had been given the work of bringing the sacrificial offering and I was put into the cell till the next full moon.

The sacrificial offering

The sacrificial offering

Photo by
𝓢𝓐𝓝𝓖𝓨 𝓔𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝓢𝓔)