The Awaited View

The Awaited View


By the time she reached the cliff, the sun was above her head. Too tired she fell half unconscious into the cool shady bushes among the leaves packed trees. She really needed to search for a water Lake before she died of thirst. But somehow she couldn't bring her self strong enough to get up and walk further, so she laid there until she felt a little better. She shut her eyes and tried to rest, but her mind went back to the dark basement under the palace.

She tried her best to keep herself calm as there was no one else to help her and she missed her home and family. 

Suddenly a voice came out from behind the bushes. "May, I help you lady. Is something wrong? You seem a little sick."

Princess Vialla, got frightened and jumped up. She tried to trace the voice but she couldn't find anyone.

The cliff

The cliff

"What brought you here lady?" saying this a short guy popped out of the bushes hanging down from the branch of the tree as if he was a monkey. "So, who are you and how come you are alone?" " I don't talk to strangers" said Vialla. "That's your wish, but I would like to advice you dear, if you are not sure about the path, am sure you would soon find for someone who knows it. And you seem an alien to me, in this region."
Vialla observed him more closely now. He was a short guy but quite princely dressed or maybe be neatly. He wore a sleeveless brown jacket on his white shirt and black pant. His eyes were black like his hair and was fair enough. His language seemed polite and mannerly. This made her little more comfortable but still she gave him a doubtful look but in reality, she was astonished by the smart short guy.

The short guy

The short guy

She didn't reply and started walking towards the cliff, taking the path she felt right. He kept on following her, clinging to the branches and jumping from tree to tree as if he was really a monkey. "Can't you walk?" asked Vialla, getting irritated. "No!" he blurted out, "I mean, no,yes I can" immediately correcting himself. "That's if you tell me, where you are upto?"
"I need to cross the cliff, to return back to my home"

He jumped down, stood straight and walked with her.
"Then you better take a break, cause you won't reach there before sunset and it's too difficult to cross the cliff in dark" " mark my words"

"You better start at the dawn, then it would be easy for you in broad daylight"

"By then the castle guards would be here and am not at all in a mood to go back to the castle. So till dawn where would I hide"

"You can stay at my place, my family would be happy to have you this evening"

"Why should I trust you?" asked Vialla. " And wouldn't the guards reach your home."

"Do you have a better option?" and he started walking away.

Vialla thought for a moment and started following him.

"By the way, you didn't tell me why are the castle guards after you"

"That's a long story, will tell you in time"

They walked for about a while and then stopped in front of a large tree. Vialla didn't understand why were they standing there but he went near the tree and said some words,suddenly a door opened in front of them.

It wasn't exactly a tree, a passage opened in front of them. The tree separated itself from the middle as if someone had cut it apart. He went in through the passage and Vialla kept following him though not sure about what she was about to face. The passage ended in what seemed to Vialla as completely different world. No white snow at all but only green pastures as if nature had covered itself in a lush green carpet and beautiful smelling flowers. She couldn't believe to what she saw as she was completely aww struck.

"Welcome to my world, lady. And now let's make way towards my home so that you can rest as you look too tired."

A new world

A new world

As they neared the town, she saw a market place and all the people there were the same height. She was a bit amused and a little confused but didn't asked him anything. It seemed he knew quite a number of people there as he waved to almost everyone he passed by and obviously she got an amusing stare back from everyone. She was the odd one out.
Suddenly a woman hurriedly came towards them pushing everyone who came in the way. "May I know where have you been Bravial? Didn't I tell you that you had to be back by afternoon. Your dad wants to see you right now." She was so busy in shouting at him that it took a while for her to cool down and notice her, she gave a surprised look and inquired,"Now Bravial, will you tell me who is she and how come she's here?"
"Oh mom! Who? She? Oh she is Vialla and Vialla this is my mom" saying he hugged her. 
"And now mom, can we go home and talk. You are gathering a crowd. I will tell you and dad everything, once we reach home."
It looked as she had brought the market to a pause. His mom looked around, " ok, then I meet you at home in a while as I have some errands at the market. You both go home."

The wooden bridge

The wooden bridge

"That's my home" he said and pointed out to a three storeyed house that stood accross a wooden bridge. A beautiful blue stream was flowing under it. They headed towards the house which looked exotic among the green woods.
"This bridge is too old, my dad says, it was built by our ancestors" just as he was saying this he heard a scream from behind him.
A plywood of the bridge had moved and Vialla's leg got stuck in between. 
"I think so i sprained my leg, it's hurting badly. I hope it doesn't get worst."
Bravial slowly took her leg out and helped her walk slowly towards the house. It was hard for her to walk as she limped a little but he supported her till she sat comfortably inside the house.



"Someone has moved the plank of wood on the bridge" mom almost broke open the door saying this. "Bravial, tell your dad to please go and check.... Oh my god! what happened to you dear" she was shocked seeing Vialla's swelled foot.

 "Mom, her foot slipped through the gap made by that plank of wood on the bridge. Oh, please you check her foot first and I forgot to tell you dad isn't home still."

Mom observed Vialla's foot carefully.she tried to move the foot but Vialla screamed so loudly that she left her foot alone immediately

"I think so it's sprained. I will go out and quickly get some herbs. Bravial why don't you get some hot soup from the kitchen for Vialla while I get the herbs ready. I am sure she must be hungry."

"Ya, sure mom" saying this Bravial went to the kitchen and mom went out to get the herbs.

"The soup is truly very delicious mam, specially when you are starving"said Vialla

"Dear, you can call me aunt horain, and thanks for the compliment. The herbs will start effecting by tomorrow. So you need to rest completely until your foot is perfectly fine. Bravial I think you should shift to the guest room on the first floor and let Vialla stay in your room as she won't be able to climb up"

"Ya mom, I will get my things, clean the room and move up in the room upstairs" saying Bravial left to get his things.

" Would like some more soup dear?"

"No aunt, thanks and sorry for all the trouble"

"Ok then you rest here, I will help Bravial to get your room ready."

𝓢𝓐𝓝𝓖𝓨 𝓔𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝓢𝓔)