The Awaited View

The Awaited View


Vialla woke up late in the morning as the weariness and the pain was too much for her. Bravial brought her some hot drink as soon as she woke up. His mother had made some medicinal drink for pain to ease. He brushed her up with all that happened last night as she had fallen asleep early. He told her "Father was late last night cause the town seniors had called up for a meeting about the new guest at our house. Dad had no idea so mom also had to be present for the meeting. She informed them all that I had told her about how I found you and that you would stay here only till you get healed. 
The meeting took long as they had to decide whether to let a  stranger stay inside as it was out of the town rule. But at last they agreed as mom was adamant about sending you out with a limped leg. So on humanitarian basis, finally they agreed and you will be with us till you are completely fine. So in short you are the talk of the town and I hope you understand why."

"Thank you Bravial for all the trouble your family is under going for me. I am really sorry and hope to get well soon, so that I can cross the cliff and get to see my family." She said while finishing the last sip of the bitter and sour drink.

The medicinal soup

The medicinal soup

Months passed by as Vialla struggled in her new life with the broken leg. The swelling and the pain took it's toll as the bone in her leg seemed a little cracked. As her days passed in the new world, the town people started to adjust with the new form of life among them. Though her height always made her a little uncomfortable with them and she always wondered about the mystery behind their height. The town people had not much a different lifestyle as it was in Vialla's town, it was only the mystery about the height and the door or the tree entrance.
Bravial made Vialla walk everyday for atleast a half of the hour so that she may feel fresh and her legs would get a bit of exercise. This became regular and one day they walked through the same road which led to the mysterious tree. 
Vialla asked" Bravial, can you explain me what is the mystery behind the entrance tree?"
"Which tree, from the one which we entered the town? Oh! that's a magical entrance to our town, it's open for town people in every six months other than that only the village heads can open it. Anyone can go through it during that period of time but they need to be back to the town before sunset . After that the door shuts for next six months and anyone who hasn't returned stays out of the town"
"That's quite interesting but I remember you never put any key to open the entrance instead it seemed you said something into the tree's ears and the path opened."

The magical door

The magical door

"ya, it's the magical words that opens the entrance to our world"
"So, it was a coincidence that you met me, as the door opened after 6 months on that day. Am I right?"

"Actually no, you are not right. The door wasn't open on that day, just for you to know the truth it was opened by me on the day when I met you. I heard my father discussing with the town heads about the door and the magical words that very morning. Some how I felt tempted to try the magic and that's how I met you. But that wasn't the big problem, actually your entry into our world unexpectedly came into notice among the town people which created the big question about how did the door open before the fixed day.  It became a big issue and father was about to give up his position as the chief head but the other members didn't agree as it wasn't completely my father's mistake. They took a better decision that from now on the meetings would be held in a better secret and private place. That's what caused almost a whole night to take permission for you to stay back. So this is the whole story about your entry and stay."

"Why didn't you tell me all this when I asked you. Now it feels so awkward that I couldn't even thank your parents or the town heads. They must be feeling how ungrateful person I am."

" No, you need not as they wanted the whole issue to be calm, moreover none of the town people know about it as the trust the town ministry more than themselves."

" Ok, but atleast I could have thanked your parents and what about my leg, when do you think it will heal."

" Well, you can thank my parents anytime and about your leg, I think no-one other than my mother who could predict it. She is the best healer in the whole town."

Vialla and Bravial's closeness grew as they spent most of the time together. Bravial almost stayed with her the whole day as he didn't find anyone who could take her care on his behalf. His mother was always busy with the household or helping his father with town work other than that people visited her most of the time just to know about the best herbs for their illness. 
Their evenings were always in the woods away from the town crowd.  " Are you missing your family?" asked Bravial one such evening.
Vialla just stared at Bravial without answering as she herself was shocked that actually she had forgotten about her town until now. Bravial's question reverted her mind back to where all started from and how had she met him.

"I don't have parents, I lost them at a young age. My aunt had no children, so she adopted me, since then I lived and grew up with them as their own child. I.... I don't know if I missed them or the pain was harder for my memory or......" saying she she just continued looking at Bravial 

Distance and family

Distance and family

She stood up and started walking back towards home,
" Yes, I miss them too much and want to reach home as soon as I can. They love me as much as my parents would have" saying she took slow so that the stones on the way wouldn't hurt"
Bravial could feel the tears in her voice so to change the topic, he asked 
"But how did you get into the witch's captivity?".....



𝓢𝓐𝓝𝓖𝓨 𝓔𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝓢𝓔)